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APACARE SONIC electric sonic toothbrush

APACARE SONIC electric sonic toothbrush

Regular price €79,99
Regular price Sale price €79,99
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Electric sonic toothbrush

High-quality, elegant and convenient electric sonic toothbrush.

Developed by dental specialists, ApaCare Sonic is based on the most advanced sound technology. Its brush heads are optimized to gently remove plaque (3D sensitive technology).

The ApaCare Sonic Rechargeable Electric Sonic Toothbrush features:

  • 35,000 brush movements in 1 min.
  • Lithium-ion battery for long life
  • 2 minutes advanced timer. Automatically turns off.
  • Reminder to change brushing area every 30 seconds.
  • Convenient shape for use and easy to clean
  • USB charging station
  • 2x brush heads with protective covers (convenient when traveling)

Effective cleaning, polishing and whitening of teeth, gums, implants, braces and prostheses using 5 innovative cleaning programs:

  • Clean (for normal cleaning)
  • White (for whitening)
  • Polish (for polishing)
  • GumCare (for gums)
  • Sensitive (for sensitive teeth)
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Neringa Morkienė

Manau,kad geras pasirinkimas kainos atžvilgiu

Rima Skeizgelienė

Greitas pristatymas, puiki prekė, pirkau dukrai, jai labai patiko, o dar ir dovanų smagu gauti😊

Jaroslav Mikulskij
APACARE SONIC elektrinis garsinis dantų šepetėlis

Puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis. Greitas pristatymas. Mano nuostabai gavau dovanų. Labai ačiū už dovanas.

El.dantų šepetėlis

Patogu ir lengva naudotis. Baterija laiko labai ilgai. Vienintelis minusas, kad keičiant galvutes, kartais užstringa ir lieka vidinė (žalia) dalis. Naudojant vieno danties ir paprastą galvutes tampa nepatogu, nes tenka pavarkti nuiimant.

  • Quality products.

    Dentist Valentina's recommendations.

  • Fair prices.

    Clean and healthy teeth at an affordable price.

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  • Fast delivery.

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