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BioGaia Prodentis N30 oral probiotic

BioGaia Prodentis N30 oral probiotic

Regular price €18,99
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Lozenges with mint flavor BioGaia ProDentis N30

The first clinically proven probiotic for teeth and gums. With out sugar.

1 lozenge contains: 200 million CFU* of Lactobacillus reuteri ProDentis.

How to use BioGaia ProDentis?

  • suck on the lozenge after brushing your teeth and between your teeth, this will allow the active ingredients to spread in your mouth.
  • you will observe the first signs of a positive effect after the first 2 weeks of use, when the natural balance of the microflora of the teeth and gums will be restored.

Periodontitis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth that accumulate in plaque and cause gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis progresses to periodontitis. If plaque build-up is not removed, gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, resulting in loss of periodontal ligaments and alveolar bone.

In the treatment of periodontitis, plaque (supragingival and subgingival) is traditionally removed mechanically and the patient is trained in oral hygiene. This reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth only temporarily, as pathogenic bacteria quickly recolonize the oral cavity.

New scientific insights into the importance of maintaining the balance of the oral microflora are a compelling reason to supplement traditional periodontitis treatment methods with bacteria of natural origin that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

BioGaia ProDentis is a food supplement for special medical purposes for the control of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

When to use BioGaia ProDentis?

  • in case of gingivitis
  • in case of periodontitis
  • to eliminate bad breath
  • to control a fungal infection in the mouth
  • in pregnancy gingivitis
  • in orthodontic treatment
  • in patients with diabetes
  • using medications that cause receding gums
  • to restore the balance of bacteria in the mouth after antibiotic treatment
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Irina Kundrotienė
Super 🤩🤩🤩

Labai patiko, padėjo susitvarkyti su burnos kvapu ir šiaip pagerino burnos sveikatą :)
Visada miela apsipirkti Śvarūs dantys negenda ❤️

Kristina Jociene

Labai gaivus pojūtis


Pradėjus vartoti Biogaia, jaučiamas švaros pojūtis burnoje.

Erika Buloniene

Naudoju nepirma karta labai patinka lengvumas burnoje ir švara.

Agnė Dapkutė
Probiotikas BioGaia

Labai painka gaivus mėtų skonis! 👍

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