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PIKSTERS PLAQUE GLO plaque staining toothpaste (with light)

PIKSTERS PLAQUE GLO plaque staining toothpaste (with light)

Regular price €15,99
Regular price Sale price €15,99
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Plaque staining toothpaste Piksters Plaque Glo and the light included in the kit will help you discover the surfaces of teeth that have not been cleaned well enough, where remaining plaque can be the cause of tooth decay or gingivitis.

This is a convenient way to learn how to brush your teeth effectively. Tropical fruit flavor.

The plaque dye in the toothpaste becomes visible when illuminated with the light in the kit. Brush your teeth and rinse the paste thoroughly. When you shine a light on it, you can see the plaque. Brush your teeth again, paying more attention to the stained areas.

How to use Piksters Plaque Glo toothpaste?

  • Place a small amount of Piksters Plaque Glo toothpaste on the brush as you would regular toothpaste.
  • Brush your teeth as you normally would
  • Rinse with plenty of water
  • Shine the light on the surfaces of the teeth, the plaque will glow yellow when the light is on
  • Brush your teeth again to remove all the plaque

If you notice a discolored plaque on your tongue, use a tongue cleaner.

Toothpaste contains fluoride and xylitol.

Composition: Sorbitol, Aqua, Silica Hydrated, Xylitol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Titanium Dioxide, Cellulose Gum, Flavor, Sodium Hydroxide, Fluorescent Sodium, Saccharin, CI73360.

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Milda Liepe

Tai pasta kuri sudomina vaikus plautis dantis vien dėl to proceso☺️

Greta Kartavice
PIKSTERS PLAQUE GLO apnašas nudažanti dantų pasta (su lempute)



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Simona Varnauskaite
Nuostabus produktas

Labai gera pasta, kuri tinka vaikams ir suaugusiems. Naudoju kontrolei vaikams ir pati sau kas dvi-tris savaites. Puikiai parodo kur dar trūksta gero išsivalymo, į kurias vietas labiau gali atkreipti dėmesį. Pastos skonis geras, labai tinkanti vaikams ir įdomu jiems patiems su lempute pamatyti ir įsivertinti.
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