Rosita liquid fish oil "EVCLO"
Rosita liquid fish oil "EVCLO"
Especially pure cod liver oil is an excellent source of omega-3 acids for children and adults!
Fish oil is extracted from cod livers caught in Norwegian waters using a special ancient technique, thus preserving valuable substances.
No heat, chemicals or mechanical pressure is used in the preparation of fish oil.
These fish oils contain a large amount of omega-3 acids, as well as naturally preserved vitamin D and vitamin A.
Fish oil is clean and regularly tested for heavy metal contamination. Results can be checked here - Rosita test results .
In one dose (1 teaspoon; 5 ml):
Omega-3 acid content - 1293 mg
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - 605 mg
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) - 443 mg
Vitamin A - 3900 IU
Vitamin D - 395 IU
Calories - 45
Fat - 4.5 g
Cholesterol - 20 mg
Fish oil is delivered in a glass bottle with a capacity of 150 ml.
Depending on the scientific source, the recommended amount of Omega-3 for children may vary. You may have heard that even taking 250 mg of EPR and DHA acids per day has a clinically significant effect. Unfortunately, neuroscientists have been saying for some time that such doses may not be enough. Therefore, the recommendations are constantly updated. You can see one of the latest recommendations in the table below. Also, in the last column, you will find the amount of Rosita fish oil that each age group needs to get adequate amounts of omega acids.
0-12 months 500 mg/d in 2.3 ml
1-3 years 700 mg/d in 3.3 ml
4-8 years 900 mg/d in 4.3 ml
9-13 years old 1200 mg/d in 5.7 ml
14-18 years old 1100 - 1600 mg/d 5.2 - 7.6 ml
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