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ROSITA extra pure cod liver oil capsules

ROSITA extra pure cod liver oil capsules

Regular price €39,99
Regular price Sale price €39,99
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  • From wild cod caught in Norway
  • Contains rare nutrients and lipids
  • Extracted using ancient methods
  • The extraction process does not use heat, chemicals or pressure
  • 100% fish product in a soft gelatin capsule.

What makes our fish oil special?
The Rosita company is dedicated to producing quality handmade products that are extracted in harmony with nature. Our oils are a sustainable and natural source of fatty nutrients that enhance our health and awareness. Rosita Extra Pure Cod Liver Oil is the best you can find. It is extracted exclusively from wild cod, sustainably caught in pristine Norwegian waters. An exclusive artisan method of cold extraction extracts the oil and preserves the delicate nutrients naturally found in wild cod liver. The extracted oil is as pure and authentic as if it was extracted in Norway hundreds of years ago.

Rosita produces pure, natural, high-quality, ultra-pure oils. The manufacturing process does not use any heat, pressure or metal utensils, and this is very important. These oils are very delicate and should not be heated, pressurized during the extraction process, or exposed to air or metal. The livers of each fish are carefully inspected and, after selecting only the best, they are placed in a dark, oxygen-free environment. The liver is heated to just above the temperature of the ocean, and the oil is released naturally from the liver. In order to keep the oils pure and fresh, special attention is paid to this process.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews

Žuvų taukai, kuriais pasitikiu! Jokio poskonio ir nemalonaus skonio. Kaina atitinka kokybę, verta bent kartą išbandyti

Alma Nekrose

Geriasi puikiai.Aptarnavimas ir įpakavimas tai vau‼️ Buvau nustebinta.Ačiū už dovaneles

Kristina Astrauskienė
Puikus produktas

Sūnus 5 metų geria ir džiaugiamės produktu.


Labai džiaugiuosi atradusi Rosita žuvų taukus. Renkantis šį produktą, man buvo svarbu, kad jis būtų kuo mažiau apdorotas, natūralus ir turėtų natūralių vitaminų D ir A, kurie yra labai svarbūs kaulų ir dantų sveikatai. Mano dukra turi dantų emalio hipomineralizaciją, todėl šie žuvų taukai yra puikus pasirinkimas. Labai rekomenduoju visiems!

Klientų aptarnavimas

Taip, žuvų taukai - puikūs, bet Jūsų klientų aptarnavimas - tobulas!

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