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XYLITOL inv. flavor lozenges with xylitol (100 pcs.)

XYLITOL inv. flavor lozenges with xylitol (100 pcs.)

Regular price €1,19
Regular price Sale price €1,19
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These lozenges with 100% xylitol help to effectively stimulate the release of saliva, reduce the acidity of the oral medium and additionally protect teeth from caries.

Saliva is especially important in neutralizing the increased amount of acids in the oral medium after eating. If there is little saliva in the mouth (in case of dry mouth syndrome), the acids in the mouth work longer and thus dissolve the enamel and increase the likelihood of tooth decay.

These lozenges with xylitol are a great way to stimulate saliva production to neutralize post-meal acids faster. For this reason, lozenges are recommended to be used immediately after a meal.

Contains no sugar.

Excessive consumption may cause laxative effects. Not suitable for children under 3 years.

In the package: 1 00 pcs. three different flavors (melon, Cherry, mint) lozenge packets.

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Eglė J.

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Kornelija Galdikienė
Xylitol Čiulpinukas

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